मंगलवार, 23 मार्च 2021

A short story of Perennial Spring Water Point : Simshar/Dhara/Devisthan of my village

     World Water Day is an annual UN observance day (22 March) that highlights the importance of freshwater. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. The theme of each day focuses on topics relevant to clean water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), which is in line with the targets of Sustainable Development Goal . Obviously we are fortunate to born in this beautiful mother earth after 1000 r9⁹⁹¹⁸ebirths but the so called modern developments divested our environment and ecological system. Global warming and rampant use of TV Tower, Mobile phone towers emit radiation causing the vanishing of natural polluting agents like bees, butterflies, insects from our environment. Even the perennial spring waters sources in the hill of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Sikkim are drying up due to deforestation and lack of proper restoration of revival of spring water resources.
     The Save the Hill NGO of Kalimong started one project " Spring Water Revival in the vicinity of my neighborhood Chandralok and Happy Villa village in ward No XVIII of Kalimpong Municipality. The Save the Hill made a lot of ditches on the slop just above the perianal spring so called Dhara for water recharge system for revival. Unfortunately the neighborhood of my place throw the disposal of households just above this Spring Water Revival place causing the spring water polluted and not quaffable  for human consumption but  there is  no alternative source wherefrom drinking water can be tapped. Kalimpong Municipality collects the garbage collection tax from the business stakeholders  while  issuing or renewal trade license. Before pandemic the garbage collecting vehicle   used to come to collect garbage but unfortunately discontinued as a result the villagers dump their households degradable and non degradable garbage just above the water recharge pits pilot project area near to my homestays and SIB office and housing complex causing the environment and the perennial spring water source in the vicinity.

    .  The Save the Hill made a lot of ditches on the slop just above the perianal spring so called Dhara for water recharge system for revival. Unfortunately the neighborhood of my place throw the disposal of households just above this Spring Water Revival place making the drinking water polluted and not quaffabl  for human consumption but here is no alternative source wherefrom drinking water can be tapped. Kalimpong Municipality collect garbsge disposal tax from the business stakeholders while collecting thier annual trade license  Before pandemic garbage collecting vehicle used to come to collect garविश्व  जल दिवसको पुर्व संध्यामा आज कालिम्पोङ्ग १८ नम्बर वार्डको हेप्पीभिल्लास्थित पानीको प्राकृतिक  मुहानको  परिदर्शंन गर्न गएको थिए  तथा जुन पानीको प्राकृतिक  मुहानबाट  निस्केको पानी  , हेप्पी भिल्ला , चन्द्रलोक, छिबो  बस्ती , नासे बस्ती , अप्पर बालाबन डांडा, अप्पर टासिडिंग,  चालिसे बासीहरुले र ६ माइल पुलबाट कालिम्पोंग बजारतिर  सप्लाई हुने खाने पानी को गुणवता  तथा धारा वरिपरि परिवेश रखरखाउ  कस्तो छ भनि बुझन् गएको थिए। 

bage from our area viz, Ward No XVIII but unfortunately discontinued as a result of which the villagers dump their household garbage just above the drinking water revival recharge pits area.


    Today I observe in another two perennial spring water sources just above the Kalimpong Khasmahal area near Happy villa. The residents of the area use toओ, पस्योर बस्ति, drinking water and take bath and wash their dirty cloths in the same dhara. The water flow down to the khasmahal area of Chalisay, Chibbo busty , 7th Mile, 6th Mile area and the people tapped this water to their domestic drinking water purposes. The administration and political parties least brother the actual plight of daily need of mankind ie. drinking water. We have concentrated our sustainable livelihood doing some immediate work for safe water for all . It is a World Water Day. 

 ources just above the Kalimpong Khasmahal area near Happy villa. The reकालिम्पोंग sidents of the area use to collect drinking water and take bath and wash their dirty cloths in the same dhara. The water flow down to the khasmahal area of Chalisay, Chibbo busty , 7th Mile, 6th Mile area and the people tapped this water to their domestic drinking water purposes. The administration and political parties least brother the actual plight of daily need of mankind ie. drinking water. We have concentrated our sustainable livelihood doing some immediate work for safe water for all . It is a World Water Day. 

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     water means different things to different people. How is water important to our homes and family life, our livelihood, our cultural and religious practices, our well being, ourn local enviornment. By recording and celebrating- all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can valuen water property ad safeguard it effectively for everyone. Here is my small story for our spring water sourcesSimsar Dhara at my village Chandralok and Happy villa of Kalimpong, India.

Water means different things to means different things to different people.

This conversation is about what water means to you.

How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment?

By recording - and celebrating - all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can value water properly and safeguard it effectively for everyone.nt people.

This conversation is about what water means to you.

How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment?

By recording - and celebrating - all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can value water properly and safeguard it effectively for everyone.

Water means different things to different people.

This conversation is about what water means to you.

How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment?

By recording - and celebrating - all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can value water properly and safeguard it effectively for everyone.

Water means different things to different people.

This conversation is about what water means to you.

How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment?

By recording - and celebrating - all the different ways water benefits our lives, we can value water properly and safeguard it effectively for everyone.

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